Green Day > Songs > X-Kid > Every Time Played

Appears on: ¡TRE!

X-Kid has been played by Green Day 30 time(s).
It was played at 1.61% of Green Day shows.
It was last played 2013-07-08, which was 249 show(s) ago.
There have been 286 show(s) since the live debut.
Since its debut, "X-Kid" has been played, on average, once every 1 show(s).

Every Time Played by Green Day

Date Played Venue Show Gap SetSong Before Song After Footnote
2013-03-13 Tricky Falls, El Paso, TX15371ShoutMinority
2013-03-15 ACL Live at The Moody Theater, Austin, TX11ShoutMinority
2013-03-28 Allstate Arena, Rosemont, IL11ShoutMinority
2013-03-29 iWireless Center, Moline, IL11ShoutMinority
2013-03-31 Consol Energy Center, Pittsburgh, PA11ShoutMinority
2013-04-01 Blue Cross Arena, Rochester, NY11ShoutMinority
2013-04-03 Liacouris Center, Philadelphia, PA11ShoutMinority
2013-04-04 Patriot Center, Fairfax, VA11ShoutMinority
2013-04-06 Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville, CT11ShoutMinority
2013-04-07 Barclays Center, Brooklyn, NY11ShoutMinority
2013-04-09 Dunkin’ Donuts Center, Providence, RI11ShoutMinority
2013-04-11 Air Canada Centre, Toronto, ON11ShoutMinority
2013-04-12 Colisée Pepsi, Quebec City, QC11ShoutMinority
2013-04-16 William Randolph Hearst Greek Theatre, Berkeley, CA11ShoutMinority
2013-04-18 Los Angeles Sports Arena, Los Angeles, CA11ShoutMinority
2013-05-24 Arena Concerti - Fiera Milano, Rho, Italy21ShoutMinority
2013-05-25 Piazza Unita d’Italia, Trieste, Italy11ShoutMinority
2013-06-01 Emirates Stadium, London, England31ShoutMinority
2013-06-05 Ippodromo delle Capannelle, Rome, Italy11ShoutMinority
2013-06-06 Unipol Arena, Casalecchio di Reno, Italy11ShoutMinority
2013-06-08 Zeppelinfield, Nuremberg, Germany11ShoutMinority
2013-06-16 Megaland, Landgraaf, Netherlands21ShoutMinority
2013-06-18 Atlas Arena, Łódź, Poland11ShoutMinority
2013-06-21 Olympijskiy Stadium, Moscow, Russia11ShoutMinority
2013-06-23 SKK Arena, Saint Petersburg, Russia11ShoutMinority
2013-06-25 Tallinna Lauluvaljak, Tallinn, Estonia11ShoutMinority
2013-06-30 Ullevaal Stadion, Oslo, Norway31ShoutMinority
2013-07-02 Refshaleøen, Copenhagen, Denmark11ShoutMinority
2013-07-07 Auditorium Stravinski, Montreux, Switzerland31ShoutMinority
2013-07-08 Piazza Grande, Locarno, Switzerland11ShoutMinority

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