Album & Song Stats
View all songs sorted by album
Ranking of most played songs by album
Performance gaps for all songs The Longshot have played live.
Year-by-year breakdown showing when songs made their live debuts.
Statistics showing the opening songs of sets and encores.
Statistics showing the closing songs of sets and encores.
Overview of key touring stats from The Longshot's history plus graphs of unique songs performed each year and shows per year.
General overview of each touring year showing the number of shows & number of songs performed along with the most common song and opener.
All known setlists for The Longshot's shows, sorted by year.
Upcoming shows from Green Day and their side projects.
All cities The Longshot have performed in ranked from most to least.
All states The Longshot have performed in ranked from most to least.
All venues The Longshot have performed in ranked from most to least.